Andrea Ricci freelance architect in Rome

Main Works [view all]

Rome based freelance architect, collaborates with big studios in preliminary plans, final plans, construction documents and assistance on building sites.

Born in 1966. Graduated with honors in 1994 from University of Naples (depart. of Architecture).

Main collaborations with:

2021-today Artelia Italia S.p.A: ESCP Turin Campus, Tourin, Italy (design TRA Studio), Hotel Indigo in Florence and Hotel Le Palme in Sardinia (and more);

2019-20 Fabio Pagani and Alessandro Franchetti Pardo: new office building, Rome, Italy,

2018-19 Ignazio Lo Manto and Alessandro Franchetti Pardo: refurbishment and extension of student residence at the John Felice Rome Center (Loyola University Chicago), Rome, Italy,

2017 Artelia Italia S.p.A: Unicredit automatic representative branch, Milan, Italy;

2016 Devoto Design: Fondazione Fendi Rhinoceros - design Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Rome, Italy,

2015 Artelia Italia S.p.A: Palazzo Italia, EUR, Rome, Italy;

2014 Devoto Design: Roma Convention Center ”La Nuvola” - design Fuksas, Rome, Italy;

2010 Annalisa Bellettati: Tibetan Monastry, New Bressanone Civic Library, Bressanone, Italy;

2005 Rossana Capurso: The Parchute Pavillion, Long Island, USA.

2005-09 King & Roselli Architetti (associated) New Library of the Università Lateranense,Rome, Italy (In/Arch-ANCE prize 2008); the National Convention Center Hotel, Doha, Qatar; the Tanjung Rhu Resort, Langkawi, Malaysia; the Sheraton Hotel, Malpensa, Italy; Club Med, Cefalù, Italy (MIPIM Award 2019), and more.

1999-05 King & Roselli (collaborator) Es Hotel (now Radisson), Rome, Italy, and more.

1997-99 Massimiliano Fuksas, among others: Roma Convention Center ”La Nuvola”, EUR, Roma, Italy; the buildings on the Alsterfleet and the Axel Springer Platz-Hanseforum Offices, both in Hamburg, Germany.

Working experience

In 2009, he started his own studio, and at the same time, he continues to collaborate dynamically with others like Ignazio Lo Manto: John Felice Rome Center; Artelia Italia S.p.A: Palazzo Italia EUR, Roma, ESCP Campus a Torino, Hotel Londra a Firenze, Hotel Le Palme in Sardegna; Devoto Design: Fondazione Fendi al Velabro, Roma Convention Center ”La Nuvola”; Annalisa Bellettati: Tibetan Monastry, New Bressanone Civic Library, Rossana Capurso: The Parchute Pavillion.

Past experiences


He collaborated with King & Roselli Architetti, working on projects as the Es Hotel (later Radisson) in Rome.

He then became an associate (05-09), and worked, among the others, at the project of the New Library of the Università Lateranense, the National Convention Center Hotel at Doha, Qatar, the Tanjung Rhu Resort in Langkawi, Malesia, and the Sheraton Hotel at Malpensa.


He worked for two years at Massimiliano Fuksas's studio, mainly on competition. Among the others on the Centro Congressi Italia ”La Nuvola” at the EUR (Roma), the buildings on the Alsterfleet and the Axel Springer Platz-Hanseforum Offices, both at Hamburg, Germany.


2010, - today

Adjunct professor at IED: European Institute of Design, Rome: Perception Theory and Psycology of Form, (Interior) Design 1 and Design Methods (courses in English); Metodologia della progettazione (Italian).

Download the curriculum in pdf: italiano | english.